# Targets

# How can I find targets?

The simple answer is just use the /target find command, but that's got some issues. To start, if you want to calculate loot then there's a very good chance it'll time out and command will never finish. To fix that, we have conditions! Check out some more below!

# How can I filter targets?

Without a way to filter targets, it'd be practically useless! The solution for Rift is that it supports conditions to filter targets. The condition is provided a nation object to compare and can be used to filter out targets to specific alliances, their score, military, or lots of other factors!

# Examples

Condition Description
nation.alliance.id == 1 The nation's alliance ID must be equal to 1.
nation.beige_turns == 0 && nation.v_mode == 0 The number of beige turns the nation has is equal to 0 and the nation is not in Vacation Mode.
nation.beige_turns == 0 && nation.v_mode == 0 && nation.defensive_wars << 3 The number of beige turns the nation has is equal to 0, the nation is not in Vacation Mode, and has less than 3 defensive wars.

# Best practices

  • Always use nation.v_mode == 0 to make sure targets are not in Vacation Mode.
  • nation.beige_turns == 0 is a good condition to use to make sure targets are not in beige, which in almost all cases is very useful.
  • nation.defensive_wars << 3 is a good condition to use to make sure targets are not in a defensive war meaning they currently have available slots.
  • nation.alliance.id != <your alliance id> is a good condition to use to make sure targets are not in your alliance.

# Default conditions

You may have noticed that the /target find have options for things like evaluate_alliance_raid_default and evaluate_alliance_military_default. These options allow your alliance to specify a default condition for targets that is applied by default when using the referenced preset. For example, the raid default is applied by default when using the /target find raid command. This is useful to filter out targets that are not valid based on the alliance's raiding or targeting rules, allowing a default enforced Do Not Raid to be set my the alliance. These conditions can be set with the /alliance-settings command.


When attack is set to True in a command, a different set of default conditions are applied, the default-raid-attack-condition, default-nuke-attack-condition, and default-military-attack-condition. Setting these defaults to only evaluate to True for members of your alliance and allies makes finding attackers a lot easier!

# Recommendations

  • Set the default conditions to exclude targets that are in beige, Vacation Mode, or in your alliance or one of your allies.
  • Set the default attack conditions to only include you and your allies, that way it's really easy to search for attackers or counters.


To set multiple valid alliances or values for an attribute you can use a list of items with the ^^ operator instead of == or similar. For example, nation.alliance.id ^^ [1, 2, 3] will only evaluate to True if the nation's alliance ID is equal to 1, 2, or 3.