# /target

The target command group provides utilities related to finding targets and setting target reminders.

# /target reminder add

Adds a target reminder.

# Parameters

  • nation : The nation ID, nation link, part of the nation or leader name, or the username/mention of the nation's linked Discord account. Defaults to the linked nation of the user executing the command.
  • channels : A space separated list of channels to send the reminder to.
  • mentions : A space separated list of role or user mentions to mention when the reminder is sent.
  • direct_message : Whether to send the reminder in a direct message as well.

# /target reminder remove

Remove a target reminder.

# Parameters

  • reminder : The ID of the target reminder to use.

# /target reminder list

List all target reminders the user has.

# /target reminder info

Get information about a target reminder.

# Parameters

  • reminder : The ID of the target reminder to use.

# /target find custom

Find war targets with a custom configuration.

# Parameters

  • condition : The condition to use to evaluate whether a target is valid or not.
  • nation: The nation ID, nation link, part of the nation or leader name, or the username/mention of the nation's linked Discord account. Defaults to the linked nation of the user executing the command.
  • count_cities : Whether to count cities when rating targets. Defaults to false.
  • count_loot : Whether to count loot when rating targets. Defaults to false.
  • count_infrastructure : Whether to count infrastructure when rating targets. Defaults to false.
  • count_military : Whether to count military when rating targets. Defaults to false.
  • count_activity : Whether to count activity when rating targets. Defaults to false.
  • evaluate_alliance_raid_default : Whether to evaluate your alliance's default raid condition. Defaults to false.
  • evaluate_alliance_nuke_default : Whether to evaluate your alliance's default nuke condition. Defaults to false.
  • eval_alliance_military_default : Whether to evaluate your alliance's default military condition. Defaults to false.
  • offset : The number of targets to offset the results by. Defaults to 0.
  • attack : Whether to find nations to attack the nation provided instead of nations for the nation provided to attack. Defaults to false.

# /target find raid

Find war targets with the raid configuration.

# Parameters

  • condition : The condition to use to evaluate whether a target is valid or not.
  • nation: The nation ID, nation link, part of the nation or leader name, or the username/mention of the nation's linked Discord account. Defaults to the linked nation of the user executing the command.
  • count_infrastructure : Whether to count infrastructure when rating targets. Defaults to false.
  • evaluate_alliance_raid_default : Whether to evaluate your alliance's default raid condition. Defaults to true.
  • offset : The number of targets to offset the results by. Defaults to 0.
  • attack : Whether to find nations to attack the nation provided instead of nations for the nation provided to attack. Defaults to false.

# /target find nuke

Find war targets with a the nuke configuration.

# Parameters

  • condition : The condition to use to evaluate whether a target is valid or not.
  • nation: The nation ID, nation link, part of the nation or leader name, or the username/mention of the nation's linked Discord account. Defaults to the linked nation of the user executing the command.
  • count_loot : Whether to count loot when rating targets. Defaults to false.
  • count_military : Whether to count military when rating targets. Defaults to false.
  • count_activity : Whether to count activity when rating targets. Defaults to false.
  • evaluate_alliance_nuke_default : Whether to evaluate your alliance's default nuke condition. Defaults to false.
  • offset : The number of targets to offset the results by. Defaults to 0.
  • attack : Whether to find nations to attack the nation provided instead of nations for the nation provided to attack. Defaults to false.

# /target find military

Find war targets with a the military configuration.

# Parameters

  • condition : The condition to use to evaluate whether a target is valid or not.
  • nation: The nation ID, nation link, part of the nation or leader name, or the username/mention of the nation's linked Discord account. Defaults to the linked nation of the user executing the command.
  • count_cities : Whether to count cities when rating targets. Defaults to false.
  • count_loot : Whether to count loot when rating targets. Defaults to false.
  • count_infrastructure : Whether to count infrastructure when rating targets. Defaults to false.
  • count_activity : Whether to count activity when rating targets. Defaults to false.
  • eval_alliance_military_default : Whether to evaluate your alliance's default military condition. Defaults to false.
  • offset : The number of targets to offset the results by. Defaults to 0.
  • attack : Whether to find nations to attack the nation provided instead of nations for the nation provided to attack. Defaults to false.