# /embassy

The embassy command group provides a set of commands for dealing with embassies.

# /embassy open

Open a embassy with the provided configuration.

# Parameters

  • config : The ID of the embassy configuration to use.

# /embassy config create

Creates a embassy configuration.

# Parameters

  • start : The starting message for when a embassy is created.
  • category : The category name or ID to use.

# /embassy config list

List all embassy configurations in the server.

# /embassy config claim

Claim an embassy for an alliance in a specific embassy configuration.

# Parameters

  • config : The ID of the embassy configuration to use.
  • alliance : The alliance ID, alliance link, part of the alliance name or acronym, an invented acronym from the first letter of the alliance name, or any valid argument for a nation to use the alliance of.
  • channel : The text channel mention, name, or ID to use. Defaults to the current channel.